I never carry cash. I hate the weight of jingly coins in my pocket or carrying a wallet around with me. The only good thing about carrying a wallet is that you know you haven’t lost it. I either carry it in my hand or wear in a front pants pocket. Furthermore, I don’t know how guys can sit in a car and drive with a lumpy wallet stuck in their rear. Most of my friends simply carry a debit card or a credit card in their back pocket and easily whip it out when needed.
Cash is still king though especially in the USA. I’m always reminded of the ‘value’ of cash when I travel in the states. Debit cards are not as widely accepted there as they are in Canada. If you’ve got cash in your pants you can always buy your way out of most any jam…or buy jam, if you need it.
I won’t be taking the yearly pilgrimage to Louisville, KY this fall. The only part of that makes me half sad is that I won’t be able to a little bit of shopping. Clearly, I am no shopper. It’s just that there is so much stuff and it’s always on sale or so it seems.
The drive to Louisville and back from Nova Scotia is never great. Never. It always snows. Here are a couple shots from last year’s miserable adventure:I mentioned to V that I would love to travel to Florida again. I doubt we would have the luxury of an RV this time around but we could take a couple of tents. We could live pretty cheap I bet. V didn’t like the idea of a tent…or two tents for that matter. This looks better eh?
I'm ready now.
6 days ago