Friday, July 18, 2008

First Place!

This is first and foremost a ‘running blog’. I haven’t blogged much about running lately because I haven’t been running lately. I vow to get back at it. What’s funny is I still consider myself a runner. That’s sort of a lie I suppose, at least for now.

Running has been pushed aside for other important summer things like playing in a couple of bands, following my kids around with their music, meetings, work, painting the house and sailing.

This is my second year crewing on the Bad Blue J out of the Lunenburg Yacht Club on Herman’s Island, NS. John S. is the skipper - known for being more than direct and prone to whacking me when I screw up. Last night we won the race and the series!

Here’s some of the email chatter:

“What a finish. First for the night and first for the series. We rumbled by the fish (boat name), stuck it to the Pooh (another boat name), and left the Scotch (yet, another boat name) in the mist. As for Topaz (one more boat name), they were no match for the blue blo..... oops the Bad Blue J with the fearless skipper and very talented crew. We could be compared with Ahab and his crew, wait a minute they went mad, the boat sunk and they all died. This is a whale of a tale.”

Rob W


"Good job…those swats and swear words were worth it…but not the swamping ride back to the dock. I’m holding a grudge on that front. I say we douse the skipper with 50 gallons of Gatorade."

Robb C (me)


"Good team guys.

I push you all so we win. I promise to give credit when it is due and last night we won due to the teams' credit.

Keep your head into what's happening on the boat, learn from your mistakes, think 5 moves ahead, don't piss off the skipper and don't sit in the front of the tender if you don't like getting wet (4 in the front and 1 in the back makes for a wet ride; another lesson learned I hope).

Words to live (sail) by.

Thanks again guys for the good effort. Let's try and wrap up the series win next Thurs.

Men will do anything for a shinny cup (trophy). Most likely dates back to the search for the Holy Grail."

John S

What a bunch. You know we have fun. Good work Colin, Graham, Rob, John!


Anonymous said...

I still consider myself a runner. Even though it's been a few weeks. Araugh. I'm gettin' soft. All that pizza and summer.

Scott McMurtrey said...

we still consider you a runner. :)

all my life i've dreamed of sailing. though it wasn't sailing, last week on my trip i took a (small) boat on the ocean for the first time in my life. let's just say my stomach didn't like it. sea sickness is usually just a one-time thing, right? ;)

RedheadFangirl said...

You are a winner! Nice work.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Robb. That's got to be a good feeling to go the distance with a group of guys and know you gave it your best and were rewarded.

Darrell said...

Way to go, Robb. Its always fun to celebrate each others victories, no matter the playing field. Good luck on Thursday.

Steve Stenzel said...

Nice job!

And get back to writing about running when you get around to it - no hurry.

Anne said...

Once a runner, always a runner, I say. And congratulations (belatedly, I realize) for the outstanding work on the rig. It's not easy to sail, let alone better than everyone else on a given day.

Downhillnut said...

Around here we have runners who take the winter off for skiing and other winter sports - you're just taking your hiatus for summer stuff - it works.

Glad to hear you are making the most of your summer, and great job on the sailboat!

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